Common Medical Abbreviations and Their Meaning - (2024)

by Pharmapproach | November 22, 2023 in Clinical Pharmacy 2

Medical abbreviations and acronyms represent “acceptable” terms used by physicians and other health care professionals commonly as a reference to rapidly search and accurately record information about, and give instructions to their patients. They are commonly used due to the tremendous gains in efficiency and the ability to cover numerous medically related concepts with minimal space.

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In order to avoid ambiguity which may likely to lead to an error, it is best to understand the context in which the abbreviation is used as there is no standard or approved list used by health care professionals to search for medical acronyms or abbreviations. Also, individual medical facilities may provide their own list of acceptable terms and abbreviations that may not be used elsewhere.

This article, therefore, contains a comprehensive list of common medical abbreviations and their meaning. These are by no means exhaustive.


  • 1 A – Medical abbreviations
  • 2 B – Medical abbreviations
  • 3 C – Medical abbreviations
  • 4 D – Medical abbreviations
  • 5 E – Medical abbreviations
  • 6 F – Medical abbreviations
  • 7 G – Medical abbreviations
  • 8 H – Medical abbreviations
  • 9 I – Medical abbreviations
  • 10 J – Medical abbreviations
  • 11 K – Medical abbreviations
  • 12 L – Medical abbreviations
  • 13 M – Medical abbreviations
  • 14 N – Medical abbreviations
  • 15 O – Medical abbreviations
  • 16 P – Medical abbreviations
  • 17 Q – Medical abbreviations
  • 18 R – Medical abbreviations
  • 19 S – Medical abbreviations
  • 20 T – Medical abbreviations
  • 21 U – Medical abbreviations
  • 22 V – Medical abbreviations
  • 23 W – Medical abbreviations
  • 24 X – Medical abbreviations
  • 25 Y – Medical abbreviations
  • 26 Z – Medical abbreviations
  • 27 References

A – Medical abbreviations

A & EAccident and Emergency
A & PAuscultation and percussion
A & WAlive and well
AAROMActive assistive range of motion
ABCAspiration, biopsy, cytology
ABGArterial blood gas
ACTHAdrenocorticotrophic hormone
ADAlzheimer’s disease
ADDAttention-deficit disorder
ADHAntidiuretic hormone
ADHDAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
ADLActivities of daily living
AIAccidental injury
AIDArtificial insemination donor
AIDSAcquired immune deficiency syndrome
AJAnkle jerk
AKAAbove the knee amputation
ALSAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AMAAgainst medical advice
AMIAcute myocardial infarction
ANAnorexia nervosa/antenatal
ANAAntinuclear antibodies
ANSAutonomic nervous system
APHAntepartum haemorrhage
APMAnterior poliomyelitis
ARFAcute renal failure
ARMArtificial rupture of membranes
ASLeft ear
ASTAspartate transaminase formerly called SGOT
AUBoth ears

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B – Medical abbreviations

Ba EBarium enema
Ba MBarium meal
BBTBasal body temperature
BCCBasal cell carcinoma
BCGBacille-Calmette-Guerin (vaccine for TB)
BIbony injury/bodily injury
BIDBrought in dead
BMBowel movement
BMIBody mass index
BMRBasal metabolic rate
BNOBladder neck obstruction
BOBowels open/body odour
BOABorn on arrival
BP, B/PBlood pressure
BPHBenign prostatic hyperplasia
bpmBeats per minute
BRPBathroom privileges
BSBowel sounds
BSEBreast self-examination
BSRBasal sedimentation rate
BUNBlood urea nitrogen
BWBirth weight
Bx/ bxBiopsy

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C – Medical abbreviations

C & S, C+SCulture and sensitivity (testing)
CCelsius/centigrade; carbon
C/O, c/oComplaints of
CaCalcium; cancer
CABGCoronary artery bypass graft
CADCoronary artery disease
CAOChronic airways obstruction
CBCComplete blood count
CBDCommon bile duct
CCCardiac catheterization, chief complaint, clean catch urine specimen
CDControlled drugs/cadaver donor
CDHCongenital dislocation of the hip
CFCardiac failure
CHDCongenital heart disease; coronary heart disease
CHFCongestive heart failure
CISCarcinoma in situ
CNSCentral nervous system
CO2Carbon dixoxide
COPDChronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPCerebral palsy; cleft palate
CPRCardiopulmonary resuscitation
CS, C-sectionCesarean section
CSDCongenital septal defect
CSFCerebrospinal fluid
CTCalcitonin, computerized tomography
CT scanComputed tomography scan
CTAClear to auscultation
CTSCarpal tunnel syndrome
CVCardiovascular; closing volume
CVACerebrovasular accident; costovertebral angle
CVDCerebrovascular disease
CVSChorionic villus sampling
CXRChest x-ray

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D – Medical abbreviations

D & CDilatation and curettage (uterine)
D & VDiarrhoea and vomiting
d/c, DISCDiscontinue
D5WDextrose 5% in water
DATDifferential agglutination test
DC, discdiscontinue
DIDiabetes insipidus; diagnostic imaging
DICDisseminated intravascular coagulation
DJDDegenerative joint disease
DKADiabetes ketoacidosis
DLEDisseminated lupus erythematous
DMDiabetes mellitus; diastolic murmur
DNADid not attend; deoxyribonucleic acid
DNRDo not resuscitate
DOADead on arrival
DOBDate of birth
DOEDyspnea on exertion
DPT, DTPDiphtheria, pertussis, tetanus injection
DREDigital rectal exam
DSDisseminated sclerosis
DSADigital subtraction angiogram
DTDelirium tremens
DTRDeep tendon reflex
DUDuodenal ulcer; diagnosis undetermined
DVTDeep vein thrombosis
DXRTDeep X-ray therapy

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E – Medical abbreviations

ECTElectroconvulsive therapy
EDCExpected date of confinement
EDDExpected date of delivery
EENTEyes, ears, nose, throat
ELISAEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ENTEar, nose and throat
EOMExtraocular movement
EREmergency room; estrogen receptor
ERCPEndoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESNEducationally subnormal
ESR, SR, sed rateErythrocyte sedimentation rate
ESRDEnd-stage renal disease
ETOHEthyl alcohol (ethanol)
ETTExercise tolerance test; endotracheal tube
EUAExamination under anaesthetic
EUSExternal urethral sphincter

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F – Medical abbreviations

FFahrenheit; failure
F/U, f/uFollow-up
FBForeign body
FBCFull blood count
FBSFasting blood sugar
FDG-PETFluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (nuclear medicine test)
FDIUFetal death in utero
FEVForced expiratory volume
FHFamily history
FHHFetal heart heard
FHNHFetal heart not heard
FHRFetal heart rate
FHTFetal heart tone
Fl, fldFluid
FSHFollicle stimulating hormone
FUOFever of unknown (undetermined) origin
Fx, FXFracture

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G – Medical abbreviations

GAGeneral anaesthetia; gallium
GBGallbladder X-ray
GCFTGonorrhea complement fixation test
GERDGastroesophageal reflux disease
GFRGlomerular filtration rate
GG/gamma glGamma globulin
GHGrowth hormone
GHRHGrowth hormone release hormone
GOKGod only knows!
Grav. 1, 2, 3Gravida – a woman who has had a first, second, or third pregnancy of any duration
GTTGlucose tolerance test
GUGastric ulcer/genito-urinary
GYN/ gynGynecology

H – Medical abbreviations

H & LHeart and lungs
H & PHistory and physical (examination)
h/oHistory of
HAARTHighly active antiretroviral therapy
Hb, hgb, HgbHaemoglobin
HbA1cGlycosylated hemoglobin (measured to test for diabetes)
HbFFetal haemoglobin
HCG, hCGHuman chorionic gonadotrophin
HEENTHead, ear, eye, nose, throat
HGGHuman gamma globulin
HibHaemophilus influenza type B
HIgHuman immunoglobulin
HIVHuman immunodeficiency virus
HPVHuman papillomavirus
HRHeart rate
HRTHormone replacement therapy
HSV-1, HSV-2Herpes simplex virus type 1, type 2
HVHallux valgus
HVSHigh vaginal swab

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I – Medical abbreviations

I & DIncision and drainage
IBSIrritable bowel syndrome
ICPIntracranial pressure
ICUIntensive care unit
IDDMInsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IDKInternal derangement of the knee joint
IHDIschaemic heart disease
INRInternational normalized ratio (system for reporting results of blood coagulation tests)
IOFPIntraocular foreign body
IOLIntraocular lens (implant)
IOPIntra-ocular pressure
IQIntelligence quotient
IRVInspiratory reserve volume
IUDIntrauterine device
IVFin vitro fertilization
IVPIntravenous push

J – Medical abbreviations

JRAJuvenile rheumatoid arthritis
JVJugular vein
JVPJugular vein pulse/jugular venous pressure

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K – Medical abbreviations

KJKnee jerk
KUBKidneys, ureters and bladder
KVOKeep vein open

L – Medical abbreviations

LALocal anesthesia
LASERLight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LBLoose body
LBWLow birth weight
LELupus erythematosus; local excision
LFDLarge for dates (fetus)
LFTLiver function tests
LGLymph gland
LHLuteinizing hormone
LIFLeft iliac fossa
LIHLeft inguinal hernia
LLLLeft lower lobe
LLQLeft lower quadrant
LMPLast menstrual period
LOALeft occipito-anterior
LOCLevel; loss of consciousness
LOLLeft occipito-lateral
LOPLeft occipito-posterior
LPLumbar puncture
LRLactated ringer’s
LRDLiving related donor
LRTILower respiratory tract infection
LSCSLower segment caesarian section
LUELeft upper extremity
LULLeft upper lobe
LUQLeft upper quadrant
LVFLeft ventricular failure

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M – Medical abbreviations

MACMonitored anesthesia care
MAOMaximum acid output (gastric); monoamine oxidase
MAOIMonoamine oxidase inhibitor
MCHMean corpuscular haemoglobin
MCHCMean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
MCVMean corpuscular volume
MHMarital history; mental health
MIMyocardial infarction; mitral incompetence
MMRmeasles, mumps and rubella (immunizations)
MPVMean platelet volume
MRMitral regurgitation
MRAMagnetic resonance angiography
MRIMagnetic resonance imaging
MRSAMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MSMultiple sclerosis; mitral stenosis
MSHMelanocyte-stimulating hormone
MSSU, MSUMidstream specimen of urine
MTDMaximum tolerated dose
MTFMale to female
MUAManipulation under anesthesia
MVDMitral valve disease
MVPMitral valve prolapse

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N – Medical abbreviations

N & V, N + V, N/VNausea and vomiting
N/ANot applicable
NADNo abnormality demonstrated
NAINon-accidental injury
NEDNo evidence of disease
NFSNo fracture seen/shown
NGNew growth; nasogastric (tube)
NGUNon-gonococcal urethritis
NHLNon-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
NICUNeonatal intensive care unit
NIDDMNon-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
NKANo known allergies
NKDANo known drug allergies
NMRNuclear magnetic resonance
NNDNeonatal death
NNMRNeonatal mortality rate
NPO, n.p.oNothing by mouth (nil per os)
NPUNot passed urine
NSAIDSNon-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
NSRNormal sinus rhythm
NSUNon-specific urethritis
NSVNon-specific vaginitis
NTNot tender (to touch)
NTPNormal temperature and pressure
NYDNot yet diagnosed

O – Medical abbreviations

O & GObstetrics and gynaecology
O.D.Doctor of optometry
OCOral contraceptive
OCDObsessive-compulsive disorder
ODRight eye
OGTTOral glucose tolerance test
OMOtitis media
OOBOut of bed
OPDOut-patient department
OPVOral poliomyelitis vaccine
OROperating room
OSLeft eye
OSAObstructive sleep apnea
OTOccupational therapy
OUBoth eyes

P – Medical abbreviations

PAPernicious anaemia
PACPremature atrial contraction
PBIProtein bound iodine
PBUPremature baby unit
PCIPercutaneous coronary intervention
PCPPneumocystis pneumonia
PCVPacked cell volume
PEPhysical examination; pulmonary embolus; plasma exchange
PEEPPositive end-expiratory pressure
PEFRPeak expiratory flow rate
PFTPulmonary function test
PG, pgProstaglandins; pregnant
PIPresent illness
PIDProlapsed intervertebral disc; pelvic inflammatory disease
PIFRPeak inspiratory flow rate
PMAfternoon (post meridiem); postmortem; pacemaker
PMAProgressive muscular atrophy
PMBPost-menopausal bleeding
PMHPast medical history; post-menopausal haemorrhage
PMSPremenstrual syndrome
PMTPre-menstrual tension
PNDParoxysmal nocturnal dyspnea; postnasal drip
PNMPerinatal mortality
PO, p.o.Per os (by mouth)
POPPlaster of paris
PPHPost-partum haemorrhage
PR/prPer rectum
PROMPremature rupture of membranes
PSAProstate-specific antigen
PTCAPercutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PTHParathyroid hormone
PTRPatient to return
PTSDPosttraumatic stress disorder
PTTPartial thromboplastin time
PUPeptic ulcer; passed urine
PUDPeptic ulcer disease
PUOPyrexia of unknown origin
PVCPremature ventricular contraction
PVDPeripheral vascular disease
PVTParoxysmal ventricular tachycardia
PWBPartial weight bearing

Q – Medical abbreviations

qEvery (quaque)
q.d.Each (every) day (quaque die); better to write out “each day,” because can be misread as q.i.d.
q.h.each (every) hour (quaque hora)
q2heach (every) two hours (quaque secunda hora)
q.i.d.four times a day (quater in die)
q.n.each (every) night (quaque nox)
q.n.s.quantity not sufficient (quantum non sufficit)
q.s.quantity sufficient (quantum sufficit)

R – Medical abbreviations

R/ORule out
R/TRelated to
RARheumatoid arthritis
RAORight anterior oblique
RBRecurrent bleed
RBC, rbcRed blood cells
RDSRespiratory distress syndrome
RDSRespiratory distress syndrome
RERectal examination
RhRhesus factor
RIFRight iliac fossa
RIHRight inguinal hernia
RLShunt right-left shunt
RLERight lower extremity
RLLRight lower lobe
RLQRight lower quadrant
RMLRight middle lobe of lung
RNARibonucleic acid
ROARight occipito-anterior
ROMRange of movements; range of motion; rupture of membranes
ROPRight occipito-posterior
ROSReview of systems
ROTRight occipito-transverse
RPRetrograde pyelography (urography)
RPRRapid plasma reagin
RRRecovery room; respiratory rate
RRRRegular rate and rhythm (of the heart)
RSRespiratory system
RTRadiation therapy; reading test; respiratory therapy
RTARoad traffic accident
RURodent ulcer
RUERight upper extremity
RULRight upper lobe
RUQRight upper quadrant
RVResidual volume
RxTreatment; therapy; prescription (recipe, “to take”)

S – Medical abbreviations

s/sSigns & symptoms
S1, S2, S3, S41st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th heart sounds
SABSystolic arterial blood pressure
SADSeasonal affective disorder
SARSSevere acute respiratory syndrome
SBStillbirth; stanford-binet (intelligence) tests
SCANSuspected child abuse or neglect
SCBUSpecial care baby unit
SCCSquamous cell carcinoma
SCISpinal cord injury
SCIDSSevere combined immunodeficiency syndrome
SDATSenile dementia alzheimer’s type
SERMSelective estrogen receptor modulator (tamoxifen is an example)
SIDSSudden infant death syndrome
sig.“Let it be labeled” (directions or medical instructions)
SIRSSystemic inflammatory response syndrome (severe bacteremia)
SLESystemic lupus erythematosus
SMRSubmucous resection of nasal septum
SOAPSubjective (symptoms perceived by the patient) data, objective (exam findings) data, assessment (evaluation of condition), plan (goals for treatment)
SOBShortness of breath
SOLSpace occupying lesion
SPAMScanning photo-acoustic microscopy
STDSexually transmitted disease
STISexually transmitted infection
STOPSuction termination of pregnancy
STYCARSheridan tests for young children and retards
Sub QSubcutaneous injection
SUDSudden unexpected death

T – Medical abbreviations

T & ATonsils and adenoids
T1, T2, etc.First thoracic vertebra, second thoracic vertebra, etc.
TABTyphoid a and b (vaccines)
TAHTotal abdominal hysterectomy
TAH-BSOTotal abdominal hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
TBTubercle bacillus
TCATricyclic antidepressant/to come again
TCITo come in
TFTThyroid function tests
THATotal hip arthroplasty
THRTotal hip replacement
TJRTotal joint replacement
TKATotal knee arthroplasty
TKRTotal knee replacement
TLTubal ligation
TLCTender loving care; total lung capacity
TLETemporal lobe epilepsy
TMJTemporomandibular joint
TNMTumor, nodes, metastases
TOPTermination of pregnancy
TPHATreponema pallidum haemoglutination
TPNTotal parenteral nutrition
TPRTemperature, pulse and respiration
TSHThyroid-stimulating hormone
TSSToxic shock syndrome
TSSUTheatre sterile supply unit
TSSUTransurethral resection (of prostate)
TxTotal parenteral nutrition

U – Medical abbreviations

U/A, UAUrinalysis
U/OUrine output
UCUlcerative colitis; urine culture, uterine contractions
UEUpper extremity
UGIUpper gastrointestinal
URIUpper respiratory infection
URTIUpper respiratory tract infection
UTIUrinary tract infection
UVRUltraviolet rays

V – Medical abbreviations

V.S.; v.s.Vital signs
VAVisual acuity
VATSVideo-assisted thoracoscopy
VCVital capacity (of lungs)
VCUGVoiding cystourethrography
VDVenereal disease
VDRLVenereal disease reference laboratory
VEVaginal examination
VEGFVascular endothelial growth factor
VFVisual field; ventricular fibrillation
VfibVentricular fibrillation
VOVerbal order
VSDVentricular septal defect
VSSVital signs stable
VTVentricular tachycardia
VVVaricose veins
VxVertex (of fetus)

W – Medical abbreviations

WBCWhite blood cells
WRWassermann reaction
WDWNWell-developed and well-nourished
WNLWithin normal limits

X – Medical abbreviations

XRTRadiation therapy

Y – Medical abbreviations

y, yrYear
y/oYears old

Z – Medical abbreviations

Z; ozOunce


  • Chabner, D. (2018). Medical Terminology: A Short Course (8th ed.). Canada: Elsevier, Inc.
  • Fremgen, B. and Frucht, S. (2016). Medical Terminology: A Living Language (6th ed.). United States: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Nath, J. and Lindsley, K. (2019). A Short Course in Medical Terminology (4th ed.). China: Wolters Kluwer.
  • Robbins, M. and Wetherfield, J. (1994). Terminology for Medical Administrators. New York: Radcliffe Medical Press Inc.
  • Steiner, S. and Capps, N. (2003). Quick Medical Terminology: A Self-Teaching Guide (5th ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Common Medical Abbreviations and Their Meaning - (2024)


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The abbreviations that are used to tell how often medication should be given are:
  • alt. h. = every other hour.
  • hs = hour of sleep or bedtime.
  • q2h = every two hours (the number can change)
  • qAM = every morning.
  • qd = every day.
  • qh = every hour.
  • qhs = every hour of sleep or at bedtime.
  • qod = every other day.

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A to Z of medical terms
AbdomenThe tummy area from the lower ribs to the pelvis.
AnthracyclinesAntibiotic drugs used in cancer chemotherapy.
AntibioticsMedicines to fight an infection caused by bacteria.
AntibodyBlood protein that helps fight attacks on the immune system, such as those caused by bacteria and viruses.
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List of abbreviations
LAlocal anaesthetic
LDLlow-density lipoprotein (a type of cholesterol)
LFTliver function test (a type of blood test measuring enzymes and proteins in your liver)
LMPlast menstrual period
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Drug test strip abbreviations Table
Drug AbbreviationFull Drug Name
MPDMethylphenidate (RITALIN)
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Common Medical Abbreviations on Prescriptions
POper osOrally (by mouth)
BIDbis in dieTwice a day
TIDter in dieThree times a day
QIDquater in dieFour times a day
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  • antibiotic.
  • cure.
  • drug.
  • medication.
  • pharmaceutical.
  • pill.
  • prescription.
  • remedy.

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This course introduces prefixes, suffixes, and word roots used in the language of medicine. Topics include medical vocabulary and the terms that relate to the anatomy, physiology, pathological conditions, and treatment of selected systems.

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Commonly Used Medical Billing and Coding Acronyms
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  • American Medical Association (AMA) ...
  • Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) ...
  • Charge Description Master (CDM) ...
  • Coordination of Benefits (COB) ...
  • Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) ...
  • Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRG)

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o. m. = omni mane (every morning) o. n. = omni nocte (every night) p. c. = post cibum (after food) p. r. n. = pro re nata (when required) q. d. s. = quater die sumendum (to be taken four times daily)

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PIPrincipal Investigator(s)
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Pharmacy Abbreviations
i.c.between meals
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“SH” has found its way into this digital lexicon, and it often stands for “self-harm” in the context of mental health. When teenagers use “SH” in their texts or online conversations, they might be referring to the challenging and sensitive topic of intentional self-injury. In another context, it could mean “same here.”

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Text message abbreviations and acronyms
BDBig deal
BFFBest friends forever
BFDBig freaking deal
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"0" means nill dose of the medication that should be taken in the morning, "0" means nill doses of the medication that should be taken in the afternoon, "1" means one dose of prescribed medication should be taken in the evening or at bedtime.

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BDS means twice a day. TDS -thrice a day. HS- at bedtime. Other common abbreviations are. OD - once a day.

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Clin. Pharmacol.". It is the recommended abbreviation to be used for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes and meets all criteria of the ISO 4 standard for abbreviating names of scientific journals.

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Title proper: Frontiers in pharmacology. Abbreviated key-title: Front. pharmacol.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.